Work Meditation

Levitating, Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu

Levitating, Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I was allowed to clock out early from work today. I was very happy about that, because I was really not into being up there. I spend a lot of time chitchatting with my manager, who is awesome by the way. I didn’t clean as much as I normally do. I was very hurried with the customers. It wasn’t a good work day, but I was still happy (for the most part).

When I got to clock out, I had to sit in the break room and wait for my ride. It was the perfect opportunity to meditate. No one was going to come to the break room because of the time. My ride was going to be there in twenty minutes. It was quite, other than the hum from some of the machines. I’ve always wanted to try to meditate a little at work, so I took up the chance.

I sat in the chair with my arms on the armrests and my legs out-stretched. I prayed to the Universe to keep me safe from negativity and harm, as well as thanked God for life as I know it, basically. After that, I did a quick clearing of my chakras. That means that I didn’t do it to the clearing extreme that I normally do. I just did what I could in the unfamiliar environment and with the time-crunch. Once I had them balanced, I took a few deep breaths. It was a nice, relaxing feeling. It was great being in tune with my work environment. I love the energy there. I don’t always love the people I work with, but I do love the energy of that theater.

I looked for the spirit that prompted me to get the job there. Yes, I’m serious about that. I applied for the job because I was made aware of an entity that really pushed me towards it. He wouldn’t let me see him. I usually see him in the horror movies though. He wouldn’t let me get a good look at him today. He looked like he was wearing a gray suit with a black tie. He was kind of chubby with graying, wavy hair. That’s all I saw. He would move away from me if I tried to get a better look. I asked him why he pushed for me to get this job, and he said that I fit there. I would do well there. He also said there was a factor that I would be good for his son, or that I would be a good person for his son to be around. I tried to inquire about who his son was, but he told me I would see. I asked him if it was his son, or if it was his grandson, and I felt like he was smiling when he would tell me it was his son. I feel like it really would be his son or someone like a son to him. I have no idea who this guy is referring to though.

I left him alone and returned my energy to the break room. That’s when I saw a woman. She looked like she was purple and blue with some black in her hair. She had tan skin under the colors and dark eyes. She was not a thin woman and she had on a low-cut blouse. her hair looked like it was straightened then curled into big curls at the end. She told me her name was Juanita. I asked her if she was always at the theater, and she said no as she laughed. I asked if she was there with a customer, and she told me no. I asked if she was there for the movies, she told me no, still laughing. I was getting a creepy vibe off of her, so I told her not to follow me home. She said she wouldn’t. After that, she started moving just outside my range of sight. She tried to stay in my peripherals. She was there a lot though. I asked her if I had seen her in theatres before, and she told me that I had. She seemed very smug, and I instantly knew that I’ve seen her with other spirits. I don’t know what they’re doing there, but it was weird.

After a few moments, I kept asking myself what I should do. I got a response from that guy in the gray suit. He told me to get my stuff and head out. He also told me that I should say good bye to my managers if I see them on my way out. That sounded good to me, so I left the meditation. I checked my phone and decided to head outside to see if my ride was there. I didn’t see any managers on my way out, so I didn’t say good-bye to anyone. I did see a flash of a shadow in the break room hall as I was leaving though. I’m thinking that was Juanita. What’s her deal anyway? She’s wearing enough make-up on her eyelid to make Mimi from the Drew Carey Show jealous. It looked like it was a pink color. I don’t think that make up or those curls have been around much since the 80s.

I don’t think I learned that much from that. It’s nice to have a face to one of the frequent shadows at my job. I’m sure I’ll see them again.

Until Next Time,