What’s The Meaning of This?

Hello there, one and all. My name is Nixie. This blog originally started on Xanga.com, but alas Xanga is dying.

I like to journal about my meditations. I tend to add in bits about my life in there too. That’s always fun right? I’ve found that my meditation style is mildly unique. I do what I call “Active Meditation” which seems to be same as what some people call “Questing” or something to that degree. I don’t just try to clear my mind, though sometimes the silence is golden. Instead I try to use meditation to positively influence my life and communicate with the Universe as I see fit. Is it for everyone? No. I still post it because I’ve found it beneficial to write these things down and I’ve also found that other people seem to like to read them. Who knows, maybe my meditations can help someone on their own meditation journey.

I had my last blog for a long time. A lot of it was quite negative, especially in relation to me. I’m afraid that I’ve been going through some hard times the past few years. I’m going to try not to be so fussy on this blog. I’ll warn you know, it’s bound to happen sometimes. I don’t intend to use this blog just to vent, but I still need to post things about my life so that the meditations make sense. You can’t have one without the other and hope for it to be comprehensible.

My first post to this blog is going to be called “The Past”. I’m going to compile the meditation blog posts from my Xanga and throw it into that. It’s going to go from the oldest to newest. If you want to look at those, they will all be up. That’s a lot to catch up on though, so let me give you a run down of the facts that I likely won’t pause to explain thoroughly in the blog:

When I do active meditations, I pray to the Universe. I use Universe as another word for God. It just seems more whole to me and thus feels more correct. Also, I’ve found that using the word God as frequently as I use the word Universe makes people uncomfortable. I’m not pushing a religion here. I’m also not criticizing religions here. I’m just existing and believing what I feel is right. I almost always clear my chakras before my meditations. I talk to a lot of people and such in my meditations. I’ve been lucky enough to talk to my Grandma Betty a couple times and my Grandpa (on my Mom’s side). I talk to Adam, who is my guardian angel. He tells me he’s an ancestor on my Dad’s side. I haven’t heard of him from them, but I like to go with it. I talk to my Higher Spirit, which is bit difficult to explain. I feel like she’s apart of every aspect of my soul. I talk to her a lot, so if you see the words Higher Spirit, that’s who I’m referring to. I have an animal totem/spirit guide that’s been with be for a while. I adore her. Her name is Angora. She’s a brown and grey wolf. I met her through a meditation in which I was able to talk to a Forest Protector, I honestly think it was Cernunnos. I’ve also recently met a spirit guide that is a giant jaguar with green eyes. His name is Ephraim. For the past few months, I’ve also been talking very frequently with the angel Uriel. He’s been very kind and very helpful. I’ve talked to others too, but those are the main ones I should probably go over.

All of this might sound crazy to you, but it’s part of my life. From what I’ve experienced, I would be crazy not to believe it myself. I ask that you do not post negative comments to my blog. This is a place for me to say my peace. I love comments and questions, but if you’re just going to harass me, I’m going to delete the comments. It’s as simple as that.

Thanks for looking at my blog. I hope you enjoy it. It should be a fun continued journey in the new place of WordPress.com.

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